Returning to Awareness Amidst Thoughts

Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.

— Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to this meditation for gently returning to your awareness when you are lost in thoughts. Allowing your body to settle into a comfortable position.

Letting your eyes gently and softly come to a close. Noticing how your breath flows in and out of your body in this very moment. Allowing yourself to let go just a little bit more with every breath out.

Feeling how the weight of your body is fully supported by the surface beneath you. Knowing that there is no need to change anything. Just noticing how it feels to be here in this moment.

Allowing your attention to settle on your breath. Noticing the gentle and subtle sensation of air flowing in and out of your nose. Feeling the rise and fall of your belly with each breath.

Noticing when your mind starts to wander, knowing that it's perfectly natural. Acknowledging when you've been carried away by thoughts. And gently guiding your attention back to your breath. There is no need to rush.

No need to push away your thoughts. Allowing yourself to return to this present moment knowing that the thoughts will pass away with time. Allowing your awareness to notice any thoughts that are passing through your mind.

Observing these thoughts just as they are. Recognizing that they are thoughts and allowing distance between yourself and these thoughts. When you find yourself getting caught up in a certain thought.

Gently making a mental note. This is a thought. Allowing empathy and kindness towards yourself as you continue observing your thoughts. Knowing that it is natural for the mind to wander from thought to thought.

Allowing yourself to observe these thoughts and offering compassion to your mind. Acknowledging that it is okay to have thoughts. It is simply a part of being human.

Allowing each breath to bring you back into this moment with compassion for yourself, for your current experience. Gently bringing your focus back to your breath. Feeling your belly expand and contract with each breath.

Knowing that each time you return to your breath, you are practicing mindfulness in this very moment. Acknowledging that there is no need to be perfect. Each moment of awareness is a moment of growth and understanding.

Allowing yourself to rest in this state of awareness. Feeling how your body rests in stillness, allowing your mind to find peace in this moment. Gently. Allowing your awareness to come back into the room and the space around you.

Noticing how your breath continues to flow naturally and without effort. Allowing gratitude to settle in for yourself, for taking this time to be aware of yourself just as you are, As you feel ready, gently, allowing your eyes to open.


Healing with Gentle Awareness


Finding Your Way in Stillness