Healing with Gentle Awareness

Every day may not be good... but there's something good in every day.

— Alice Morse Earle

Welcome to this meditation for healing with gentle awareness.

Allowing yourself to settle into a comfortable position. Letting your eyes gently come to a close. Knowing that there is no need to do anything right now. Just being present with your breath and yourself just as you are.

Noticing your breath as it flows in and out. With each breath, allowing yourself permission to feel whatever emotions are here. Knowing that there is no right or wrong emotion. You may feel sadness, anger, or perhaps confusion.

You're allowing yourself to feel these emotions just as they are. Knowing that emotions are like waves in the ocean, always coming and going. Allowing each breath to be an anchor, bringing you back to this moment of awareness.

As your breath continues to flow, noticing the space between your thoughts. The space between your breaths. Acknowledging these spaces where there is calm and stillness.

Whenever you find your mind wandering to past memories or what ifs. Gently acknowledging these thoughts, and allowing them to pass with time, allowing yourself to return to the stillness of this moment.

Knowing that it is okay if thoughts persist. Each time you return to stillness in this moment, you are allowing yourself to heal.

Allowing your awareness to come to your chest. Knowing that in this very moment, inside of your chest, your heart is beating. Acknowledging that your heart is always here for you.

Just like your breath. Acknowledging that you are not alone in your journey. Allowing yourself to rest here in the stillness of this moment. Feeling how your body is able to find stillness and let go.

Noticing how your mind slowly finds peace as your body finds rest. Gently allowing your awareness to come back into the room and the space around you. As you feel ready, gently allowing your eye to open.


Embracing Change


Returning to Awareness Amidst Thoughts