Finding Your Way in Stillness

In the silence between your thoughts, there is your truth waiting for you.

Welcome to this guided meditation designed for when you are feeling lost in life. Allowing your body to settle into a comfortable position.

Letting your eyes gently and softly come to a close. Knowing that there is nothing you need to do right now. Nowhere you need to be.

Simply being here in this moment is enough. Allowing your awareness to settle on your breath, flowing naturally and without effort. Allowing yourself to let go of any expectations about what should be happening in this very moment.

Knowing that it's completely normal to feel uncertain in life. You are not alone in feeling this way. Allowing your focus to settle on the sensation of your breath flowing in and out of your nose right now?

Feeling how your belly expands and contracts with each breath. Noticing how effortlessly your breath flows in and out without any need for you to control it.

Allowing your awareness of each breath to return you back to this present moment. Allowing your awareness to settle on your body resting in this moment. Noticing the connection of your body with the surface beneath you.

Feeling how your body is fully supported in this very moment by the ground beneath you. Allowing the ground to hold you in this very moment without needing to do anything.

Gently noticing any sensations that are here with you right now. Observing the gentle movements of your body as it is alive right here and right now. Feeling your chest gently rising and falling with each breath.

Allowing this awareness of your body as it is to bring you back to this present moment again and again. Allowing your attention to rest on your chest. Acknowledging that inside of your chest, Your heart is beating in this very moment.

Allowing yourself to connect with your heart and the gentle pulsing of life within you. Remembering that it is okay to feel lost sometime, Allowing your heart to show you that in this very moment, you are exactly where you need to be.

Acknowledging how your heart is always here for you, inviting you to come back to what is true in life and already within you. Noticing what thoughts are present in this moment with you.

Gently acknowledging these thoughts just as they are. With kindness, guiding your awareness back to the flow of your breath happening right now. Gently allowing your awareness to come back into the room and the space around you.

Feeling how your body is resting in this very moment of stillness. Allowing gratitude for yourself for pausing and taking these moments to be with yourself just as you are. As you feel ready, gently, allowing your eyes to open.


Returning to Awareness Amidst Thoughts


Embracing Present Awareness