Recognizing Life in This Moment
The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Welcome to this guided meditation for gently becoming aware of this moment as it is. Allowing yourself to settle in a comfortable position.
Letting your eyes gently come to a close. Acknowledging that this time is just for you, just to be here as you are. Becoming aware of your breath flowing in this moment. Noticing your breath flowing in and flowing out without effort.
Observing the subtle paw before your next breath. Allowing your breath to flow naturally as it wishes. With each breath, feeling your body becoming a little bit more relaxed. Bringing your attention to the top of your head.
Noticing any sensations that are present here. There is no need to change anything. Gently becoming aware of your neck and show this. Allowing your neck and shoulders to soften with each breath out.
When you notice thoughts arising, Gently remembering that this is a thought. Becoming aware of your hands and arms. Noticing any sensations that are present here. Are your hands warm or cool? Are they resting heavily or lightly?
Allowing yourself to become aware of these sensations gently, embracing your experience just as it is. Becoming aware of your belly in this moment. Can you feel the subtle rise and fall with each breath?
Recognizing that this is life within you, Always present and always flowing. When your mind wanders, gently remember that your mind has wandered. It is okay to gently return your attention back to this moment again and again.
Bringing your attention to your back. Noticing if there are any areas of tightness. With each breath, imagining that you are softening any tension, allowing yourself to rest in this moment.
Becoming aware of your legs in this moment. What sensations are present here? Feeling the weight of your legs supported by the surface beneath Acknowledging that in this moment, you are free to simply be.
You know the same how your whole body rests in this moment of stillness. Feeling your breath flowing with ease and without effort. Knowing that you are here. You are alive, and you are present in this moment.
When you notice a thought capturing your attention, remembering that this is a thought. Allowing yourself to return to the stillness of this moment with your mind at peace. Gently. Becoming aware of your body, resting in this space.
Noticing your breath flowing in and flowing out naturally and without effort. Thanking yourself for taking this moment of pause to be present with yourself just as you are. As you feel ready, gently allowing your eyes to open.