Finding Balance in the Present Moment

Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.

— Rumi

Welcome to this meditation for finding balance in life.

Allowing yourself to settle into a comfortable position. Noticing the posture of your body in this moment. Allowing your eyes to soften. Letting your shoulders drop down just a little bit more.

Allowing your jaw to soften. Taking these moments here to allow your mind and heart to let go into stillness. Feeling the contact of your body with the surface beneath you. Being aware of where your body is and how it is.

Allowing your attention to be here in this present moment. Becoming aware of the different sounds around Noticing the sounds that are soft and subtle or perhaps louder and more distinctive.

Observing the sound of my voice, guiding you in this moment. Observing how each sound is known without effort.

Noticing when you get lost in thoughts about where the sounds are coming from. Allowing yourself to hear the sounds just as they are in this moment. Noticing how each sound appears and disappears with time.

Becoming aware of the feeling of your breath. Feeling how the air enters and leaves your nose. Noticing the gentle rise and fall of your belly. Acknowledging how your breath naturally balances itself in and out.

Allowing yourself to feel each breath with openness. Being present with each breath as it is right now. Breathing in and knowing that you're breathing in. Breathing out and knowing that you're breathing out.

Becoming aware of any sensations in your body. Observing if the sensations are pleasant or perhaps unpleasant. Noticing if there is tension or tightness, Perhaps pressure or maybe tingling.

Observing how these sensations change when you become aware. Do the sensations get stronger or diminish Or maybe, perhaps disappear. Allowing this experience to show you how physical sensations are not permanent.

Whenever you notice your mind wandering, gently becoming aware of where you are, of where your body is. Allowing your breath to bring you back into this moment. Acknowledging how balance is achieved by coming back into the moment.

Noticing thoughts that are here with you. Acknowledging these as thoughts. Observing how the thoughts change when you notice them. Recognizing how thoughts and disappear just like sounds.

Allowing yourself to be aware of thoughts without becoming the thought. Allowing emotions to be here with you. Acknowledging each emotion with the mental note that this is an emotion.

Becoming aware if there is happiness or sadness, Perhaps anger Or maybe contentment. Allowing yourself to see how these emotions are always passing just like thoughts.

Acknowledging how emotions arise from specific conditions and pass away when those conditions change. Observing these emotions, like the passing wind on your skin.

Recognizing the openness of being aware in this moment. Acknowledging how you become aware of your breath, of sounds, sensations in your body, thoughts in your mind and the feeling of emotions.

Acknowledging how balance naturally happens as these things arise and naturally pass away. Allowing yourself to remain here in the openness of your awareness of this moment.

Gently, becoming aware once again of where you are. Feeling the surface beneath you, supporting you in this moment. Noticing how your breath flows without effort. Allowing this present moment to ground you and balance you in life.

Remembering that finding balance is about embracing the flow of life in this very moment. Knowing that just like your breath, your life is naturally finding balance. As you feel ready, gently allowing your eyes to open.


Recognizing Life in This Moment


Embracing Your True Self