Finding Clarity in Uncertainty
Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.
— Sonia Ricotti
Welcome to this meditation.
Allowing yourself to settle into a comfortable position. Letting your eyes gently come to a close. Noticing as your breath flows in and out in this very moment. Feeling as your belly expands and contracts with each breath.
Knowing that it is okay to feel lost at times. In this moment, there is nothing you need to do. Simply being here just as you are. Allowing your awareness to settle on your body, resting in this moment.
Feeling the weight of your body fully supported by the surface beneath you. Noticing in the areas of tension or discomfort, acknowledging these sensations just as they are in this moment.
Knowing that it is natural to feel overwhelmed at times. Allowing compassion to settle in for yourself in your body in this moment. Noticing any thoughts that are here with you in this moment?
Allowing thoughts about being lost or uncertain to be here. Knowing that with time, these thoughts will pass away. Acknowledging that you do not need to engage with these thoughts.
Just observing them as thoughts allows distance between them and you. Whenever you find yourself getting caught up in thoughts gently, allowing your attention to come back to your breath, flowing in this very moment.
Allowing your breath to be your anchor, bringing you back to this present moment or whenever your mind drifts away.
Knowing that it is completely natural to get carried away by thoughts, gently with kindness, allowing yourself to be here just as you are.
Allowing compassion to settle in for your current experience and the difficulties you are facing. Acknowledging that you are doing the best you can And in this moment, knowing deep inside you that you are enough just as you are.
Allowing kindness for yourself as you would for a dear friend who is struggling. As you remain here in stillness, noticing any feelings of resistance or perhaps frustration.
Acknowledging these feelings without trying to push them away. Knowing that acceptance does not mean resignation, but rather observing things as they are, knowing that in this very moment, being alive and well is enough.
Acknowledging that these feelings, just like the thoughts, will pass away with time. Recognizing that it is okay not to have all the answers right now.
Allowing yourself to be here with this uncertainty just as it is, knowing that clarity will come in its own time. Noticing how your breath continues to flow naturally and without effort.
Allowing your breath to show you that you do not need to control life. Understanding that life unfolds naturally by itself. Acknowledging that your path will become clear as you continue to walk it one step at a time.
One breath at a time. Allowing life to sustain you. Gently allowing your awareness to come back into the room and the space around Feeling how your body rests in this moment while being fully supported by the surface beneath you.
Acknowledging in this very moment that you are capable of navigating this uncertain time in your life with grace and patience.
Remembering that each moment, being here with yourself just as you are is a step towards clarity and peace. As you feel ready, gently allowing your eyes to open.