Pausing the Pursuit

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

— Lao Tzu

Welcome to this space of awareness and gentle presence. Allowing yourself to settle into a comfortable position. Letting your eyes gently come to a close.

Understanding in this moment how the allure of chasing promises a sense of accomplishment, and yet leaves a void once it's over. Acknowledging that life is a flow of moments, and each moment has its own value.

Allowing yourself to simply be here, not doing anything, yet being present and aware in this moment. Noticing how your breath flows naturally and without effort. Feeling your belly expand and contract with each breath.

Allowing each breath to ground you in this very moment where you are alive and enough just as you are. Acknowledging how the simple process of breathing carries with it the essence of life, ever present and self sustaining.

Allowing each breath to return you to the present moment, to what is real right here and right now. Observing what thoughts are here with you in this moment. Noticing how the mind goes from one thought to another.

Acknowledging that it is natural for the mind to seek problems to solve. Our mind in its own way is trying to protect us, Allowing yourself in this moment to feel fully supported by the surface beneath you just as you are.

Knowing that thoughts arise and pass away with time. Simply being aware of them is enough. Allowing your awareness to rest on the simplicity of being here right now.

In this moment, there is nothing to solve, nothing to achieve. Just being here as you are is enough. Acknowledging the joy and peace that comes from being here in stillness, allowing your body to rest.

Acknowledging their wisdom lies in recognizing that not all pursuits are necessary to fulfill, Knowing that some pursuits lead us further away from the natural peace that is inside of us.

Allowing this very moment to return you to what is essential.

Being here just as you are, alive and well. Noticing when your mind starts chasing after thoughts, Gently acknowledging this and allowing your awareness to rest on the flow of your breath happening right now.

Knowing that it is okay for your mind to wander Each time you return to this present moment, you are practicing kindness towards yourself.

Gently allowing your awareness to come back into the room and the space around you. Feeling the weight of your body fully supported by the surface beneath you.

As you prepare to continue your day, remembering that peace is always within you, available in every moment of being aware of yourself just as you are. As you feel ready, gently allowing your eyes to open.


Finding Clarity in Uncertainty


Trusting the Journey Without a Map