Navigating the Waves of Doubt

When doubts cloud your mind, let your breath be the sun that breaks through, revealing the clear sky of the present.

Welcome to this guided meditation for navigating doubt by grounding in this present moment.

Allowing yourself to settle into a comfortable position. Letting your eyes gently come to a close. Allowing yourself to be here just as you are. Noticing how your breath flows in and out without effort.

Feeling your belly expand and contract with each breath. With each breath, allowing yourself to become grounded in this moment. As you settle into this moment, acknowledging any feelings of doubt that arise.

Noticing thoughts, questioning your decision, your ability, or even the path that you are on. Recognizing that doubt is a natural part of the human experience.

When you notice doubts creeping in, gently reminding yourself. It is okay to feel this way. There is no need to push these thoughts away or engage with them. With time, These thoughts of doubt will pass away.

Noticing each time that your mind gets captured by doubt. Gently allowing your awareness back to your breath, flowing in and out in this very moment. Acknowledging to yourself that you are here in this moment, and you are okay.

With each breath, allowing yourself to sink deeper into this state of calm and still. With each breath in, recognizing that you are breathing in. And with each breath out, knowing that you are breathing out.

Allowing yourself to be fully present in the cycle of your breath. Feeling how your breath anchors you in this present moment of life. Acknowledging how in moments of quiet, doubts may seem the loudest.

In this very moment, reminding yourself that these doubts are just thoughts. And like all thoughts, they are temporary. Allowing the recognition of thoughts as thoughts to bring a sense of peace and stability.

Knowing that you do not need to fix or resolve these doubts in this very moment. Gently allowing your awareness to come back into the room and the space around you.

Acknowledging your courage to be here in stillness with your doubts just as they are in this moment. As you feel ready, gently allowing your eyes to open.


Embracing Your True Self


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